Bubble Woods - The High Score Bubble Shooter Experience

Bubble Woods - The High Score Bubble Shooter Experience


★★★★★ 5.0


Bubble Woods - The High Score Bubble Shooter Experience

Although it may look adorably cute, Bubble Woods is a thrilling high score game experience. In 60 second rounds your only goal is to reach the highest score possible. Shoot the biggest clusters, use super effective power-ups, play strategically and be quick. This is not your average bubble shooter, this is Bubble Woods!

Like in a role-playing game you will rise in your experience level the more you play. While climbing up the level ladder you will unlock several power-ups.

Fire Bubble

Match 10 balls in a row with the right colors and you will receive the infamous fire ball. Shoot it wherever you want and it will destroy everything in its path. Very satisfying, if you ask us.

Color Bubble

Another very helpful power-up in a bubble shooter game. Shoot the ball to any position on the field and it will change a big cluster of bubbles to the same color.

Bomb Bubble

Beautiful destruction! Shoot the bomb bubble and watch an colossal cluster of bubbles explode into nothingness.

Time Bonus

If you hit the hourglass it will grant you an additional 3 seconds of time. And sometimes 3 seconds is all you need to beat a high score.

With every game you play you will be granted points that you can spend on these power-ups (except for the fire bubble which is dependent on your skill). So invest wisely and make every power-up count.

Burst bubbles like a maniac and become the ultimate bubble shooter.


In just a few words, this is what makes this HTML5 game special and why we highly recommend it. Besides the impressive KPIs, of course.

Ilker Aydin, CEO

He is the only believer in the world that "Back to Web" will happen soon. To accelerate this mission, ilker deep dives into game development with many new technologies. Working on new concepts day and night.

However, do not hesitate to contact him for for license inquiries. He will be happy to assist you with any question.

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